{CBB 38} The Power of Everyday Self-Care

Episode 38: The Power of Everyday Self-Care | Creative Business Breakdown Podcast

When the topic of “self-care” comes up, things like pedicures and bubble baths usually come to mind. And while we love those indulgences from time to time, the most effective self-care is the kind that you can incorporate into your everyday routine.

In Episode 38 of the Creative Business Breakdown, we’re talking about how we’re practicing self-care on a regular basis in this season, and the effect that it’s having on both our personal and professional lives.


A whole roundup of self-care centered resources went out to members of the Music Therapy CEO Project on February 1st, and there’s still time to get those materials for yourself! Click here to learn more and reap the benefits of membership.

{CBB 37} When It Feels Like January 74th

Episode 37: When It Feels Like January 74th | Creative Business Breakdown Podcast

Is it just us, or has this month seemed to last…FOREVER?! The first month of 2019 has been quite the rollercoaster, with plenty of ups, downs and in betweens both personally and professionally.

In Episode 37 of the Creative Business Breakdown podcast, we’re talking about how we’ve celebrated the highs, faced the challenges, and just kept moving forward throughout this very long month.


As we finally reach the end of January, we are looking forward to sharing new resources with members of the Music Therapy CEO Project on February 1st. Join us and up your game when it comes to self-care, profit planning, and making progress on all those goals you set for 2019.

{CBB 36} How We’re Holding Ourselves Accountable

Episode 36: How We're Holding Ourselves Accountable | Creative Business Breakdown Podcast

A few days into 2019, we are still feeling super EXCITED (one of the words from our mantra!)and motivated when it comes to the goals we’ve set for ourselves, both personally and professionally.

In Episode 36, we are sharing how things are going so far, and the various ways in which we are holding ourselves accountable for the big goals we’re working to achieve this year.


Get our goal setting and tracking resources (and much more) by joining the Music Therapy CEO Project for just $12/month. All of the details are right here.

{CBB 35} Goal Setting for the New Year

Episode 35: Goal Setting for the New Year | Creative Business Breakdown Podcast

Happy New Year! We hope 2019 is off to an amazing start for you. We spent the second day of this new year setting business goals based on our new mantra (which we shared in Episode 34), and this year’s goal setting day looked and felt a little different than years’ past.

So in Episode 35 of the podcast, we are sharing how we approached the creation of our 2019 goals, how they are related to our mantra, what we learned through this process, and some other surprises that came up along the way.


If you would like to learn more about our mantra creation and goal setting processes, this is a perfect time to become a member of the Music Therapy CEO Project. Get all of the details right here!

{CBB 34} Our Mantra for 2019

Episode 34: Our Mantra for 2019 | Creative Business Breakdown Podcast

2018 is almost over! We’ve been very intentional about how we have spent the last couple weeks of this year, and we had a fun chat all about that for the podcast.

This episode is airing during the week between Christmas and New Year, when we’re in full-on prep mode for 2019. Before the ball drops, we wanted to share how we are wrapping up 2018 and getting ready for a fresh start.

In Episode 34, we are also sharing our mantra for 2019. We’ve been creating mantras to guide our business for the past 4 years, and they have proven to be incredibly effective in helping us streamline our work and mindset. We are SO excited about our mantra for the new year! Listen in to find out what it is.


Do you set a mantra at the beginning of the new year? If so, we would LOVE to hear what it is! Drop us an email or message us on social media to let us know. And don’t forget to check out the Music Therapy CEO Project, because for the month of January we are sharing some awesome resources about goal-setting and mantra creation.

We wish you the happiest New Year, and can’t wait to continue growing and creating with you in 2019!

Until next time,
Rachel & Katey