2018 is almost over! We’ve been very intentional about how we have spent the last couple weeks of this year, and we had a fun chat all about that for the podcast.
This episode is airing during the week between Christmas and New Year, when we’re in full-on prep mode for 2019. Before the ball drops, we wanted to share how we are wrapping up 2018 and getting ready for a fresh start.
In Episode 34, we are also sharing our mantra for 2019. We’ve been creating mantras to guide our business for the past 4 years, and they have proven to be incredibly effective in helping us streamline our work and mindset. We are SO excited about our mantra for the new year! Listen in to find out what it is.
Do you set a mantra at the beginning of the new year? If so, we would LOVE to hear what it is! Drop us an email or message us on social media to let us know. And don’t forget to check out the Music Therapy CEO Project, because for the month of January we are sharing some awesome resources about goal-setting and mantra creation.
We wish you the happiest New Year, and can’t wait to continue growing and creating with you in 2019!
Until next time,
Rachel & Katey