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Show Notes

{CBB 43} The Honest Truth About Our Partnership

We're taking a completely unorthodox approach in Episode 43 of the Creative Business Breakdown podcast. Instead of recording together in the same room as we usually do, we're answering some BIG questions about our partnership…separately. If you've been curious about...

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{CBB 42} From Our Employees’ Perspective

This week on the podcast, we're welcoming two special guests to dish what it's really like to be an employee at Music Therapy Connections. Alisabeth Hopper and Laura Mui answer our burning questions about the pros, cons, surprises, and lessons learned since joining...

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{CBB 41} We’re Hiring! + Celebrating Our Team

We're hiring! In case you haven't heard, we are now accepting applications for a FULL-TIME music therapist position at our private practice, Music Therapy Connections. The submission deadline is April 1, so visit the link below to learn more and apply: Application:...

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{CBB 40} Is It Time to Hire An(other) Employee?

One of the biggest challenges of owning a business is knowing if and when it's time to hire an employee. As music therapy business owners, this is not an easy decision to make, especially if you've never hired an employee before. We've learned so much with each hire,...

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{CBB 39} Working Through Overwhelm

Being a business owner can feel like riding a rollercoaster: sometimes you're on top of the world with your hands in the air, and other times, you're flying down a steep hill holding on for dear life. At this moment in our business, we're feeling the latter, and in...

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{CBB 38} The Power of Everyday Self-Care

When the topic of "self-care" comes up, things like pedicures and bubble baths usually come to mind. And while we love those indulgences from time to time, the most effective self-care is the kind that you can incorporate into your everyday routine. In Episode 38 of...

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{CBB 37} When It Feels Like January 74th

Is it just us, or has this month seemed to last...FOREVER?! The first month of 2019 has been quite the rollercoaster, with plenty of ups, downs and in betweens both personally and professionally. In Episode 37 of the Creative Business Breakdown podcast, we're talking...

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{CBB 36} How We’re Holding Ourselves Accountable

A few days into 2019, we are still feeling super EXCITED (one of the words from our mantra!)and motivated when it comes to the goals we've set for ourselves, both personally and professionally. In Episode 36, we are sharing how things are going so far, and the various...

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{CBB 35} Goal Setting for the New Year

Happy New Year! We hope 2019 is off to an amazing start for you. We spent the second day of this new year setting business goals based on our new mantra (which we shared in Episode 34), and this year's goal setting day looked and felt a little different than years'...

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{CBB 33} 2018: Our Year in Review

Each year, we create a mantra for our business. 2018 was no exception, and our mantra for this year was "Expansion, Flow and Joy". These 3 words played a huge role in all of the decisions we made, projects we pursued, and culture we cultivated at Music Therapy...

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