It’s truly amazing what a few days away can do for two business owners with a whole lot on their plates. Our boss vacation couldn’t have come at a better time, and spending it on the beach in Florida was the perfect way to disconnect from our daily lives, focus on completing our new project, spend some quality time together, and above all, enjoy some R&R.
As we discussed in previous episodes, this trip has been on our list of goals since we first became business partners back in 2014. It took 4 years to actually go through with booking it, but our inaugural boss vacation was worth the wait and will most likely become an annual occurrence!
In this episode, we’re spilling the beans on exactly how we spent our time in Clearwater Beach. We also talk about the planning process, how we made it happen financially, and the effect it had on us both personally and professionally. If you are thinking about taking a boss vacation yourself (and we think you should!), then hopefully this episode will provide you with the extra motivation to go for it.
We’re ALSO giving you the full scoop on the Music Therapy CEO Project, our brand-new program which combines a 5-credit CMTE course with an entire year of guidance and resources for music therapy business owners. We couldn’t be more excited about this new offering, and we’re looking forward to really diving in with our participants after enrollment closes on Friday.
If you have been thinking about enrolling, or want all the details, go ahead and click here for everything you need to know about the MT CEO Project. If you have questions, feel free to leave a comment here, contact us via social media, or send an email to We can’t wait to see you inside!
Until then,
Rachel & Katey